Eachtraí De réir an Mhuir

Eachtraí ag an Mhuir

Discover Monterey le Talamh agus Farraige; rothar agus Surrey


Cíosanna ó áiteanna éagsúla ar fud an Leithinis.


299 Cannery Rae
Monterey, CA 93940
Fón: 831 372-1807


Eachtraí ag an Mhuir is the premiere recreational company on the Monterey Peninsula. Chun níos mó ná 25 bliana, Adventures by the Sea has been providing visitors and locals the opportunity to discover Monterey by land and by sea! We have five locations throughout the Monterey Peninsula and our shops offer the best locations to start your kayaking or biking adventures from because we are in the heart of the action! Whether you are seeking to spot otters or looking for the recreational trail, our shops are truly in the best locations. Don’t waste time getting there, when you can start there!

We offer kayak and bike rentals and tours, family bike (or surrey) rentals and standup paddle board rentals and lessons! Whatever your activity, we have the equipment for you! Come join us and let us get your adventure off to a great start!

Féach ar an Bhá Monterey Cósta ar rothar nó 4-Roth Teaghlaigh Rothar Surrey ó Eachtraí De réir an Mhuir A radharc coitianta ar feadh Trail Áineasa Monterey ar iad surreys rothar ceithre roth. Tá na aoibhinn gcos-tiomáinte carráistí ar bhealach iontach do lánúin, teaghlaigh nó grúpa cairde chun taitneamh a bhaint turas leisurely le chéile chun iniúchadh a dhéanamh ar an limistéar álainn cois cósta, am céanna ag soláthar spraoi an-idirghníomhach agus sláintiúil. Nó is féidir leat teacht ar an álainn Monterey Leithinis pedaling ar rothar ar feadh an rian caitheamh aimsire, thart ar bhruacha creagach an Aigéin Chiúin Grove agus i Drive breathtaking 17-Mile. Spóirt uisce do gach duine!