
En cours, Annuel, Événements hebdomadaires ou mensuels cliquez ICI - À but non lucratif événements et collectes de fonds, cliquez ICI

*Due to COVID-19 precautions, several events and businesses in Monterey County have been affected.
Events are subject to change or cancellation at any time without notice.


Jan 29 – Février 4
AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am
One of the most exciting events on the PGA TOUR, the AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am is contested annually in front of thousands of spectators and millions of television viewers on three of the Monterey Peninsula’s premier golf courses: Pebble Beach Golf Links, Spyglass Hill Golf Course, and Monterey Peninsula Country Club Shore Course. All tournament proceeds benefit charities throughout Monterey, Santa Cruz, and San Benito Counties.

Jan 5
The Alzheimer’s Association presents: ‘Melodic Memories’ Sing-a-Long
Singing is not only an enjoyable activity, it can also provide a way for people with early memory loss and others to express themselves in a friendly and stimulating social environment. This group meets on the 1st & 3rd Fridays of each month. New members welcomed.

Jan 9, 16, 23, 30
Le marché fermier à Old Monterey Marketplace
Le Vieux Marché Monterey agriculteurs, établi en 1991, comprend de 3 ½ pâtés de maisons et exécute la pluie toute l'année et le beau temps. Vous pouvez parcourir le monde en seulement trois pâtés de maisons, trouver des arts et métiers, bijoux faits main, meubles, vêtements, alimentaire internationale, produits biologiques, fleurs, et pâtisseries. Nos fournisseurs produisent viennent de toute la Californie, de Salinas et Watsonville, à Fresno et Sacramento, vente agréé et certifié biologique produisent. Arts et artisanat vendeurs viennent de partout dans le monde, la vente des trésors de l'Afrique, Colombie, Mexique, Russie, Japon, China, et la Yougoslavie, pour n'en nommer que quelques-uns.


Jan 19
The Alzheimer’s Association presents: ‘Melodic Memories’ Sing-a-Long
Singing is not only an enjoyable activity, it can also provide a way for people with early memory loss and others to express themselves in a friendly and stimulating social environment. This group meets on the 1st & 3rd Fridays of each month. New members welcomed.

Jan 31 – Février 4
AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am
One of the most exciting events on the PGA TOUR, the AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am is contested annually in front of thousands of spectators and millions of television viewers on three of the Monterey Peninsula’s premier golf courses: Pebble Beach Golf Links, Spyglass Hill Golf Course, and Monterey Peninsula Country Club Shore Course. All tournament proceeds benefit charities throughout Monterey, Santa Cruz, and San Benito Counties.





Énumérés jusqu'à ce que LA DATE pour l'année courante peut être confirmée
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Jan 11 – 16
28th Annual Monterey SwingFest!
Ateliers de danse disposent monde passé et présent et champions nationaux, plus de danse ouvert. Présenté par Central Coast Swing Dance au Hyatt Regency Monterey. Adulte, Jrs, International, Étudiant, Non-Dance Spectator & All Star/Champion passes available! All Star/Champions FREE if you competed at J&J O’Rama or Halloween SwingThing.











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